“Great Taste explores the realisation that your current state of being might not always be the best and that if nothing changes the future ahead isn’t appealing; if anything terrifying. It’s expressing a desire to join hands with those who want to follow their dreams and enter an alternate future. Nayana IZ was able to bring her incredible wisdom of words to the table and further iterates the bitter sweet struggles of self development.”
Raised on anime, Bend It Like Beckham and old-school hip-hop, UK artist Miso Extra has created for herself and her music “the Misoverse,” a melting pot of cultural and generational substance. Her music explores themes surrounding femininity, female empowerment and being of mixed heritage. Masterfully combining pop culture references from both countries to create her own addictive brand of music, she has aptly phrased, “Umami for the ears.”
For Miso’s debut EP, director Sarah Dattani Tucker created a video for the track “Great Taste,” featuring female artist Nayana IZ, a British-South Asian artist that merges her two cultures into her vocals. In Sarah’s own words, the video aims to be “a simplistic visual, playing on the beat and dreamy feel of the track, referencing the lyrical themes of duality with inspiration from the colours and tones in Wong Kar Wai’s films. The video cuts between two scenes in the intro, the peachy daylight scene and electric blue evening scene, we wanted the colour to reflect the feeling of eastern cities similar to the tones created so beautifully in Chungking Express.”
Below is an interview between Lulu Yao Gioiello and Miso Extra.
Lulu Yao Gioiello Describe your childhood. What was it like growing up and how has that influenced your music?
Miso Extra I was born in Hong Kong, went to pre school in Japan and completed all my formal education in the UK in a county called Buckinghamshire. Being mixed heritage has allowed me to draw on such a wide pool of reference points which makes for interesting art. Subsequently this allows me to make more authentic music as it feels closer to how I would want to express myself in day to day life.
Lulu I read that you started taking music more seriously during the pandemic. How have the past few years changed you and your relationship to music? What were you doing before you started focusing on music?
Miso I feel for a long time I was waiting to be given permission to make music. I often flirted with the idea and would daydream about being an artist for years but the pause on usual life really allowed me to take stock and fully immerse myself into my passions.
Lulu What is your relationship like with Nayana IZ? How did you work together on the project?
Miso I’ve been a fan on Nayana IZ’s work for a while so when I had a track that had scope for a feature I had to find a way to get her to hear it. It was through one of those online connections and I was honestly so elated when she agreed to write a verse! It sounds all the more incredible for it. I truly get goosebumps.
Lulu What subject matter is most important to you when communicating through your songs?
Miso I never set out to communicate with intent. The subject matter varies and it isn’t really till after the song is written that I sometimes discover what it was that I’m trying to communicate.
Lulu What are some specific personal experiences or concepts that feel unique to you and your work?
Miso I grew up where so few people looked like me or shared my experiences and the representations I was offered marginalised and even fetishised me. I’m trying to regain my narrative and hope to inspire others to use their own authentic voice.
Lulu If you could visualize the Misoverse, what would it look like?
Miso An alternate reality with an open door policy full of peace and musicality. A place where there is good vibes and real talk. Not to mention all the noodles you can eat x